[Discuss] Fwd: Re: Mailman?

Kevin Brandstatter icarusthecow at gmail.com
Thu Jul 24 02:45:32 UTC 2014

Good News Everyone,

I finished the setup of the mailman server to run our own mailing lists
with GNU Mailman so we can lessen our dependence on Skynet- er,  mean

So the basics are as follows:
the server is http://lists.chicagolug.org go there in a browser and you
get this "lovely" GNUi
there are two lists : Announce, and Discuss
Announce: announcemnents for meetings, events, etc
Discuss: everything else, discussions, questions, random gibberish from
a markov bot, even nuclear launch codes if you're so inclined.

Consider this the announcement to begin moving over to the new lists.

A few final notes:
1) Mailman isn't super well known for secure storage of passwords, so
don't use your bank password or whatever
2) It hasn't been super hammered on so there might be some issues
    for that reason I recommend posting to the new/old list for a while
    that way the stragglers aren't immediatly left out, and in the case
that something goes horribly wrong
    and a configuration/setup error causes a catastrophic failure that
induces global armageddon,
    we can still embrace our Search Engine Overloards (SEO).

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, have some kind of
issue to report, or just want to say hi, just let me know

-Kevin Brandsattter <icarusthecow>

tl;dr: new mailing lists : http://lists.chicagolug.org : discuss +
announce : don't use bank password : report issues

On 07/22/2014 07:10 AM, Jim Campbell wrote:
> Hi All,
> On Monday, July 21, 2014 8:28:40 PM UTC-5, Freddy Martinez wrote:
>     Hash: SHA1
>     Hi Jim
>     Any way we can get you on IRC tonight? We're trying to set up mailgun
>     on IRC and we're having some trouble (permission on the account
>     level). It might be related to our permission we have on our
>     Rackspace
>     account. You might have different permissions.
>     Freddy
> Kevin and I were able to connect on IRC last night, and we're on our
> way to getting things set up. We'll be in touch once things are finalized.
> Jim
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